True Religion Skirts Shorts Jeans scheduled next fall

Robert jordan's the gathering storm hits bookstores comments

I'm curious to know what the fans of jordan think about this as well.Never got into it and don't have an interest to read a 12 book novel series.I'm waiting for crichtons last novel to come out at end of month.Lots of rumors surrounding his last novel from he never finished it to he wrote another book that is due out next year.I believe from everything that i read that crichton did in fact finish the first draft of his last novel but never got around to editing it or the final version before he died.Mainly because he started this story back when i thought he was in fact the king of novels.Though the book is over 1000 pages long so i'll wait for reviews before i pick it up.

One thing True Religion Womens of note!Amazon is having a price war with wal-Mart regarding books.You can pre-Order the books i mentioned above for 9 bucks each.There were others like grisham, etc so i thought i would just mention that.

I'll be picking up the gathering storm after work tonight.I've been reading the series since i was 14 or so back when it first came out.I've read many of the books multiple times.I was in us navy bootcamp in '94 when one of the books came out.I recall towards the end we were allowed to go out for"Liberty"And i bought that huge book and it took up just about all the space in my little foot locker.I would secretly read it when ever i had a chance.I know no"Celebrity's"Death touched me like rj's did.I can't say i haven't ever found faults with the series, but overall i still think it is really good, and the last book really picked up the pace.Note that i tend to like long books though.

I am excited, but also a little worried about picking up the gathering storm.I really want it to have the same feel.

I'm worried that the gathering storm won't have the same feel as well, isgrimmer.The history, etc.These are things that some people hate, but that make the series fun for me.I don't have to get to the end of a book in a big hurry.But, harriot's supervising, so i'm not too worried.Yet.

That's funny that you read the book secretly.I knew a girl at work who always used blank book jackets because she didn't want people to judge her work based on her taste in romance novels.And people do.They assume that non-Fiction readers make better managers than readers of genre or popular fiction.

Hobbs, i have similar worries about michael crichton.His books are fun, fast thrillers that are a little preachy, and a little goofy.We'll see.I'm sad that his era is over, but i hope that someone else will fill the gap.Some of crichton's books will become dated simply because he wrote about current events in tech and science.That's part of the fun of one of his new books and some of the cringe-Inducing moments in his older books.

Well, i'm about a quarter of the way in now.There are parts that do have a different feel, not saying its a bad thing, but a scene in particular just unfolded a little differently than i thought jordan would have done it.I'm not going to expect sanderson to try and emulate jordan's prose and style exactly, and in the forward i think he states he isn't attempting to, but i think he is close from what i have read so far.

My biggest issue so far, is that i haven't read any mat chapters yet.I skimmed through and know there are some though.Mat became my favorite character around book three when we finally got some point of views from him.I believe i have read in interviews when sanderson was first confirmed to be finishing this, that perrin was his favorite.Hopefully he doesn't put mat on the sidelines, even if only subconciously.

The reason i read the book secretly, had nothing to do with being embarrased by it.I'm pretty sure it was against the rules for"Boot camp", even though it was like the last week or so of boot camp.I'm pretty sure i risked having to do so many pushups my arms would have turned to jelly to read that a week or so before bootcamp ended and i got shipped off to school for my primary"Job"In the navy. (Which fyi was a builder in the seabees)

Finished it(Gathering storms)On wednesday, after grabbing it late on tuesday.You can tell it was mainly jordan outlining and sanderson filling in for one main reason:Things actually get resolved within the book they are brought up.Indeed, one thing(A minor plot point about shadar logoth)That had almost been forgotten was revealed in one of the mat chapters(And resolved.Sort of.In the next).Same with a problem that has been hanging over rand's head;Instead of bringing up a situation, waiting three hundred pages, and then not resolving the issue until the next book or two, the situation was worked out in the very next chapter.

In short, you can feel jordan's narration.But you don't have to wade a league and a half for a foot's worth of story.Sanderson's doing a good job;I'll be along for the next two parts.The gentleman(Sanderson)Is even actually tieing up lose ends!

I finished it over the weekend.I am pleased with it.The pace did move along kind of quickly.It is hard to tell if that is soley due to sanderson or not.Jordan himself had planed for it to be the last book, so i think his pace would have been quick too.The previous book by jordan himself, moved along pretty well also.

The ending to me at least did seem a little different than previous books.Perhaps that is because it was a good stopping point for a volumn one of a book that was so big it turned into three volumns.I may have that feeling may be because i read something similar when they decided to break a memory of light into three volumns.

Looking forward to the next book that is currently True Religion Skirts Shorts Jeans scheduled next fall.

Littlenell, i actually am in the corporate culture now, network admin for a lawfirm.I guess next year it will have been 20 years i've been reading wot.I brought it in last week with the idea of reading some during my lunch hour.I wouldn't have cared if any saw Cheap True Religion it.Some work peeps may have, as it sat on my desk with the dust jacket on.Though i guess we are not normal for our size lawfirm, we are pretty laid back and don't allow the standard office politics to come in to play the same way many firms do.

I finished the book a few days ago.I downloaded the audio version so my husband and i could listen at the same time.If we had bought the book we would have been fighting over it for a week. (The wheel of time series has great readers. )

It's hard to write a review without the printed book in front of me, but i was really happy with it.We didn't notice any difference in the writing style.Since there wasn't any skirt clutching and only one"Sniff"The differences were there, but not noticeable until that sniff occurred which is toward the end of the book.Other than that, the characters and their actions were true to jordan's past narrative.And things were resolved.There was a really satisfying battle, a question was answered about a certain character in an amazing scene, and there was a resolution at the end that told us more about rand and his relationship to lews therin telamon and the land itself.There were so many other things that were satisfying about this book:Story threads involving other characters;Acts of war that must be answered;And more events piling up to a breaking point.I'm now in wot withdrawal, which is a happy place to be.

I'm so glad they split the last book into three.There is no padding here.Every line felt essential.

It's been a few weeks now i guess since i finished it, i was happy with it as i said previously.In my mind, some of mat's humor didn't seem quite right.It seemed kind of off, like someone who is not funny trying to be funny, but that's not exactly how i would describe it.Then again it could just be that i am being overly critical there, or that i was looking at the character of mat the hardest, as he is my favorite.It could be that i went in with many worries and preconceptions about how sanderson was going to handle mat that i was subconciously looking for flaws.

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